*“The Charm” cuuuuuuuuC {WDWGWhWD} {4WDWDW0p} {WDWDWDWD} {0W4pDWDQ} {PDWiWDWD} {DW0WHWDW} {WDKDWDPD} {DWDWDWDW} vllllllllV White to play and mate in five moves
*A Collection of
Two Hundred Chess Problems
composed by
Frank Healey
including the problems to which the prizes were awarded by the committees of the Era, the Manchester, the Birmingham, and the Bristol chess problem tournaments ACCOMPANIED BY SOLUTIONS
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An Electronic Edition
Anders Thulin, Malmö · --
Henry Waite, Esq., THE LIBERAL PATRON OF CHESS, this collection of chess problems is respectfully inscribed b