130 A merican-Euras ian Journal of Sus tainable A griculture, 3(2): 130-134, 2009 ISSN 1995-0748 © 2009, A merican Euras ian Network for Scientific Information
T his is a refereed journal and all articles are professionally screened and reviewed
Ne w Technology for Preparation of Herbal Extracts and Soft Halal Capsules on its Base
Alexander N. Shik ov, Olga N. Pozharitsk aya, Valery G. Mak arov, Marina N. Mak arova
St-Petersburg Institute of Pharmacy, 47/5, Pisk arevsk y prosp., 195067, St-Petersburg, Russia A lexander N. Shikov, Olga N. Pozha rit s ka y a , Valery G. M akar