lndus Business School(lBS)run underthe aegisoflndian lnstituteofEducation & Business Mgnt (llEBlt4) pune, isa l2yearold B'schooi, approved byAiCTE&afrlialed toUniv ofPure. IBS was eslablished by Col. MaMaha with ihe zeaiols mission of impartng Valle based, Hards On l\4gmt. Edlcation, epitomized by the word ASPIRE (Posilive AtlitLrde, Self-discipline, Pe6everance, lntelligence, Resourceiulness & Reliability and Elhical behavior).
Prof.JaiSingh, Managing Director- IBS says l\,4gmt Educalion isimpaded in all 8-schools acrcss the cou nlry, but where we make a difierence is by grooming our sludeni