Clarifying the complexity and ambivalence of the cultural industries
Katia Segers and Ellen Huijgh
*Clarifying the complexity and ambivalence of the cultural industries
Katia Segers and Ellen Huijgh
.: Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (Cemeso) :: Vrije Universiteit Brussel :: Pleinlaan 2 :: 1050 Brussels :: Belgium :. .: Tel: +32 2 629 24 14 :: Fax: +32 2 629.26.90 :: E-mail: katia.segers@vub.ac.be, ellen.huijgh@vub.ac.be .: Cemeso: http://www.vub.ac.be/SCOM/cemeso
*1 .. / Plea for epistemological clarity on the cultural industries 2 .. / The development of the cultural industrie